IBO-tKbrc 26

Temporary bridge for cables 26

IBO-tKbrc 26

With a maximum range of 26 meters IBOTECHs temporary bridge for cables is built up quickly and flexibly usable in different road work zones.

Made in Germany
Up to…
1,2 kilonewton (kN)Wind load
26 meters Range
127 kilogramLoad per meter
…depending on technical and exterior requirements
IBO-tKbrc 26

Temporary bridge for cables in traffic safety

The benefits of IBOTECHs temporary bridge for cables are multifarious. Besides flexible applications due to the modular structure and a quick implementation, the bridge is very robust with a pressure of 127 kilogram. The IBO-tKbrc 26 enables traffic safety of the latest generation. The EU standard DIN EN 12899 generally defines the performance features for stationary traffic signs. These are also partly fulfilled by our temporary traffic technology like the bridge for cables.

IBO-tKbrc 26

Cable bridge
is flexibly usable

Temporary bridge for cables 26

Depending of size and condition of the road work zone, IBOTECHs temporary bridge for cables 26 can be built up flexible – one system, different use.

Technical data
IBO-tKbrc 26
Technical data
Product description Temporary bridge for cables
Technical dimensions 1.2kN, 26 meters range
Foundation dimensions Concrete/steel LxWxH: 3m x 1m x 1m
Temporary bridge for cables 26