Mobile cantilever arm


IBOTECHs mobile cantilever arm is ideal for displaying special obstacles and barriers and clearance in front of tunnels, bridges or temporary road work zones.

Made in Germany
Up to…
1,2 kilonewton (kN)Wind load
5 meters range
5,5 meters clearance
1 square meter mounting surface
…depending on technical and exterior requirements

Mobile cantilever arm for traffic safety

With a range of 5 meters our cantilever arm is usable in almost every highway or freeway. The advantage of a cantilever arm is the visibility of traffic signs for vehicles like trucks or busses. The display is immediately visible also in the dark or in bad weather conditions – this increases the safety in traffic. . Ordinarily, the EU standard DIN EN 12899 defines the performance features for stationary traffic signs. IBOTECHs mobile cantilever arm partly meets these standards even being a temporary traffic technology product.

Mobile cantilever arm

Cantilever arm
for traffic signs

Mobiler Kragarm

The cantilever arm shows traffic signs like the maximum clearance in front of tunnels or bridges – another element of traffic safety by IBOTECH.

Technical data
Technical data
Product description Mobile cantilever arm
Technical dimensions 1.2kN, 5 meters range, 5.5 meters clearance, 1qm² mounting surface
Foundation dimensions Concrete/steel LxWxH: 3m x 1m x 0.75m
Mobiler Kragarm